Roster of Fellows
Ackerley,     Glenn W.
Albert,   Master Carol
Alexander,     Mark
Allard,     Beth
Alter,     Matthew R.
Annibale,     Jason J.
Armstrong,     Chris R.
Ashcraft,     Howard W.
Astolfo,     Sandra
Ayotte,     Daniel
Bambrough,     Denise L.
Banfai,     Geza
Beaumont,     Robert D.
Berezowskyj,     Stephen
Bernard,     Annie
Bigenwald,     Antoine
Binnie,   The Honourable Mr. Justice W. Ian C.

Binnie, The Honourable Mr. Justice W. Ian C.

The Supreme Court of Canada
Supreme Court of Canada Bldg. Kent & Wellington StreetsOttawa, Ontario, K1A 0J1Canada
(613) 996-5350
(613) 952-1882
Borlack,     Howard
Bowles,     Brendan

Bowles, Brendan


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Glaholt Bowles LLP

141 Adelaide Street West Suite 800Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3L5Canada
(416) 368-8280 ext. 221
(416) 368-3467
Brindle,     Derek A. K.C.
Bristow,     David I.
Bruner,     Philip L.
Bundaru,     Justice Horia
Cadsby,     Lloyd
Chernichen,     Donald J.
Cimon,     Pierre
Clark,     Tony
Crofoot,     Kenneth
Curtis,     David
DeGroot,     David
Devlin,     Corbin
Déry,     Claudia
D’Amour,     Normand
Esposito,     Anna
Finegold,     Leonard
Gagnon,     Nicolas
Galbraith,     Tyler
Gibson,     Kevin
Gilain,     Guy
Gillott,     Roger
Glaholt,     Duncan W.
Goodfellow,     W. Donald
Gosselin,     Ian
Graesser,   Robert A.
Gruszka,     Stefan
Grégoire,     Simon

Grégoire, Simon


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Borden Ladner Gervais

1000 de la Gauchetiere St. West Suite 900Montreal, Quebec, H3B 5H4Canada
514 954 3151
514 954 1905
Gurlesky,     Andrew
Hammel,     Scott J.
Hankinson,     Stuart B.
Harrington,   The Honourable Mr. Justice Michael F.

Harrington, The Honourable Mr. Justice Michael F.

Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador
Court of Appeal 287 Duckworth Street P.O. Box 937St. John’s, Newfoundland, A1C 5M3Canada
Hayes,     Matthew T.
Haythorne,     John S.
Heal,     Andrew J.
Hickman,     The Honourable Justice Stephanie

Hickman, The Honourable Justice Stephanie

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Judge of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador, Family Division, in St. John’s

St. John's, NewfoundlandCanada
Hinchey,     John W.
Hirschfeld,     Collin (Q.C.)
Hirst,     Christopher

Hirst, Christopher

View Bio
Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP

TD Tower 2700 – 700 West Georgia StreetVancouver, British Columbia, V7Y 1B8Canada
604 484 1712
604 484 9712
Houle,     Yvan
Hunter,     Robert W.
Ivanoff,     Paul

Ivanoff, Paul

View Bio
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

1 First Canadian Place P. O. Box 50 Stn. 1st Canadian PlaceToronto, Ontario, M5X 1B8Canada
(416) 862-4223
Jacques,     Mélanie

Jacques, Mélanie

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Mélanie Jacques est nommée juge à la Cour du Québec. Elle exercera ses fonctions principalement à la Chambre civile à Montréal.

75 René-Lévesques Blvd. W, 4th FloorMontréal, Quebec, H2Z 1A4Canada
Jenkins,   The Honourable Mr. Justice Robert W.
Johannsen,     Helmut
Jones,     Douglas
Kapusianyk,     Brian G.
Kauffman,     David H.
Kenny,     W. J.
Kirsh,     Harvey J.
Klein,     Sandor J.
Kott,     Olivier F.
Krupat,     Howard
Lal,     Seema
Laudan,     Dirk
Lee,     Andrea
Lefebvre,     Jasmin
Levert,     Dan
Little,     David. W.
Lloyd,   His Honour Humphrey
Logan,     John S.
Lucky,     Donald K.C.
MacDonald,   The Honourable Alexander (Sandy)

MacDonald, The Honourable Alexander (Sandy)

Trial Division of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador
MacEwing,     J. Marc
MacNeil,     James
Machum,     Geoffrey
Margie,     John
Marr,     David I.
Marston,     Donald L.
Martin,     Karen K.C.
Massicotte,     Samuel
Mavko,     Tim
McArthur,     Joe
McCullogh,     Kenneth B.
McKenzie,     David
McKercher,     Robert H.
McLachlin,   The Rt. Honourable Madame Justice Beverley

McLachlin, The Rt. Honourable Madame Justice Beverley

The Supreme Court of Canada
Supreme Court BuildingOttawa, Ontario, K1A 0J1Canada
(613) 992-6940
(613) 952-3092
McLauchlin,     W. Andrew

McLauchlin, W. Andrew

Past President 2010-2011

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Goldman Sloan Nash & Haber (GSNH) LLP

155 University Avenue Suite 200Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3B7Canada
Mockler,     Rachel
Moores,     Greg
Morin,     Patrice
Morrison,     Patricia L.
Murphy,     John

Murphy, John

Past President 2021-2022

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Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

1000 De La Gauchetière Street West Suite 900Montréal, Québec, H3B 5H4Canada
Nadeau,   The Honourable Mr. Justice Richard
Naftolin,     Stanley
O'Neil,     Conor
O'Neil,     Thomas G.
Oles,     Douglas S.
Oliver,     Marcia
Otto-Johnston,     Catriona
O’Connor,     Christopher J.
Petrucci,     Christopher
Piercey,     Colin
Pisapia,     Serge
Poirier,   The Honourable Mr. Justice Yves

Poirier, The Honourable Mr. Justice Yves

Superior Court of Justice
1, rue Notre-Dame EstMontreal, Quebec, H2Y 1B6Canada
(514) 393-2721
(514) 873-4760
Pratchett,     Marina A.
Preston,     Mike
Rasmussen,     P. Donald
Reakes,     Vanessa
Reynolds,     R. Bruce
Richler,     Joel
Robinson,     Christopher C.
Robinson,     Douglas
Roth,     Jason D.
Rousseau-Houle,   The Honourable Madame Justice Thérèse

Rousseau-Houle, The Honourable Madame Justice Thérèse

Cour d'Appel du Québec
Palais de Justice 300, boul. Jean-Lesage, # R-456Québec, G1K 8K6Canada
(418) 649-3568
Ruberto,     Maria
Rusnak,     Christopher M.
Ryan,     William L.

Ryan, William L.

Past President 2009-2010

Stewart McKelvey

Purdy's Wharf Tower One Suite 900 P.O. Box 997 1959 Upper Water StreetHalifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2X2Canada
(902) 420-3200
(902) 420-1417
Sallée,     Clémentine
Samuels,     Brian
Sanders,     Douglas R.

Sanders, Douglas R.

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Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

1200 Waterfront Centre 200 Burrard Street P.O. Box 48600Vancouver, British Columbia, V7X 1T2Canada
(604) 640-4128
(604) 622-5924
Sandler,   Master David
Sarault,     Guy
Sawatzky,     Murray
Scheibel,     Phillip
Sebastiano,     Rocco
Shaban,     Richard H.
Shafir,     Max
Sharpe,     Jeffrey E.
Short,     Donald E.

Short, Donald E.

Case Management Master
Ontario Superior Court of Justice, 393 University AvenueToronto, Ontario, M5G 2J6Canada
Sidnell,   Madam Justice Jane

Sidnell, Madam Justice Jane

Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta
Law Courts 6th Floor Law Courts Building 1A Sir Winston Churchill SquareEdmonton, Alberta, T5J OR2Canada
Simard,     André
Singleton,     John R.

Singleton, John R.

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Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP

925 West Georgia Street Suite 1200Vancouver, British Columbia, V6C 3L2Canada
(604) 682 – 7474
(604) 682 -1283
Skene,     Michael A.

Skene, Michael A.

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Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

1200 Waterfront Centre 200 Burrard Street P.O. Box 48600Vancouver, British Columbia, V7X 1T2Canada
(604) 640-4248
(604) 622-5848
Stein,     Steven G. M.
Stollery,     Douglas R.
Taitinger,     Jeremy
Tremblay,     Louis-Michel

Tremblay, Louis-Michel

Past-President 2011-2012

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Miller Thomson SENCRL / Miller Thomson LLP

1000 De La Gauchetière West, 37th FloorMontreal, Quebec, H3B 4W5Canada
(514) 871-5421
(514) 875-4308
Truesdell-Menard,     Sophie
Vlavianos,     George
Vogel,     Sharon
Wagner,   The Rt. Honourable Mr. Justice Richard

Wagner, The Rt. Honourable Mr. Justice Richard

The Supreme Court of Canada
Supreme Court BuildingOttawa, Ontario, K1A 0J1Canada
(613) 992-6940
(613) 952-3092
Wallace,     Andrew
Welsh,     Mario

Welsh, Mario

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BCF Business Law

Complexe Jules-Dallaire, T1 2828, Laurier Blvd, 12th FloorQuebec, G1V 0B9Canada
Wise,     Howard M.
Wittmann,   The Honourable Mr. Justice Neil

Wittmann, The Honourable Mr. Justice Neil

Chief Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta
Calgary Courts Centre, Suite 701-N 601-5 Street SWCalgary, Alberta, T2P 5P7Canada
Wong,     Richard

Wong, Richard

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Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

1 First Canadian Place, 100 King Street W, Suite 6200, P.O. Box 50Toronto, Ontario, M5X 1B8Canada
van_der_Lee,     Jean C.

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