August 6, 2006

2006 News

Judicial Appointment of our Fellow Rob Graesser, Q.C.

(December 15, 2006)

The Fellows of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers are proud of and congratulate our friend and colleague, Rob Graesser, who was appointed to Alberta’s Court of Queen’s Bench on December 15, 2006:

Since its inception, Rob has been a distinguished Fellow, Governor and Officer of our College.

Click here for the full press release (December 15, 2006)

(November 2006)

ACCL/Princeton Construction Law Symposium

– “Building the Future” –

Duncan Glaholt, Bruce Reynolds and Harvey J. Kirsh recently attended an excellent construction law symposium (“Building the Future”) which was jointly sponsored by the American College of Construction Lawyers (ACCL) and Princeton University.

Presentations and panel discussions included:

“Foretelling the Future: Trends that Impact the Future of Global Engineering and Construction” (panel included the former U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs; the Dean of Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs; and senior U.S. construction industry executives and consultants)

“The Strategic Global Road Map” (a compelling luncheon presentation by Thomas P. M. Barnett)

“Shaping the Future: Global Talent Leadership in Engineering” (panel included Deans of the engineering faculties of Princeton and U. C. Berkeley; the Dean of the Business School at U. of Virginia; and senior construction industry executives and consultants)

“Delivering the Future: Technology, Risk and Reward” (panel included Hon. Sir Vivian Ramsay of the High Court of England and Wales, Queen’s Bench; the President of the Surety and Fidelity Association of America; Tom Stipanowich, the Academic Director of the Straus Institute at Pepperdine Univ. School of Law; and senior construction industry executives)


Details re: the CCCL established mini-Construction Law library & the”Construction Law Research Guide”run by The Bora Laskin Library of the Faculty of Law,University of Toronto. Click here for more

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